Structure of a typical company in SCS (Command Team)

Each company in SCS will have the following:

  • Officer Commanding (OC)
  • Company 2IC (2IC)
  • Company Sergeant Major (CSM/CWO)
  • Platoon Commander (PC)
  • Platoon Warrant Officer (PWO)
  • Section Instructor

Similar to BMT, each company will house 2-3 platoons, each with 3-4 sections. Each platoon will have a PC and a PWO, and each section will have a Section Instructor.

Every day, there will be a Company Duty Officer (CDO), who will plan and arrange the schedule for the day. He also has other duties (such as conducting first/last parade and clearing the armskote).

There will also be a Company Duty Instructor (CDI) and a Platoon Duty Instructor (PDI) every day. These are Section Instructors who are in charge of overseeing and managing the company and platoons respectively

Officer Commanding

The big poncho. Typically a Master Warrant Officer (MWO), or First Warrant Officer (1WO) about to be promoted to MWO.

He vets and overseas all company-level training, and is typically the supervising officer for most conducts of activities.

Company 2IC

The second biggest poncho. Typically a First Warrant Officer (1WO), or Second Warrant Officer (2WO) about to be promoted to 1WO.

He plans and schedules the training programme together with the HQ's Training Officer, and can also be the supervising officer for most activities.

Company Sergeant Major

The fiercest guy in the company. Typically a Third Warrant Officer (3WO) who has completed his Company Sergeant Major tour in a previous unit.

He indents everything for the company, from rations to buses to stationery - everything except for ammunition. He probably will tell you to "address me as Sergeant Major" on your first day.

Platoon Commander

The kind father of the platoon. Typically a Second Warrant Officer (2WO), or a Third Warrant Officer (3WO) about to be promoted to 2WO.

He plans and is in charge of the conduct of most activities. During Professional Term, he will also fight in missions alongside with you when outfield.

Platoon Warrant Officer

The strict mother of the platoon. Typically a Staff Sergeant (SSG) or Master Sergeant (MSG).

He is in charge of the regimentation and discipline of the platoon. He also plans and is in charge of the conduct of physical training activities.

Section Instructor

The big brother of the section. Typically an NSF 3SG, but can be a Regular 2SG, 1SG, or even a Staff Sergeant (SSG).

He is in charge of your section, and will oversee all of your training. He will also assess your performance and will grade you accordingly.

  1. More about SCS
  2. Structure of SCS Coys (Command Team)
  3. Structure of SCS Coys (Support Staff)

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